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Veterans' Medicines Advice and Therapeutics Education Services

What is Veterans' MATES

The Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) delivered the Veterans' Medicines Advice and Therapeutics Education Services (Veterans' MATES) program which was aimed at improving the use of medicines and related health services in the veteran community.

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Dry or itchy skin

July 2023

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Dry or itchy skin can be common as you get older and can make you feel quite miserable. It can increase the risk of having a skin tear, make you feel anxious and can even keep you up at night. The good news is that there are some simple things you can do each day to treat dry or itchy skin.

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Diabetes Medicines

June 2023

Cumulative Medicines Risk

August 2022

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Statement from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs - Veterans’ MATES program - Update

The Department of Veterans' Affairs have updated their statement on the Veteran's MATES program.

Statement from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs - Veterans’ MATES program

The Department of Veterans' Affairs published a statement on the Veterans' MATES program

SSRIs and opioids more than double the risk of hip fracture

Research shows an increased risk of hip fracture for patients taking SSRIs, opioids, benzodiazepines and antipsychotics when used in isolation or combined.

Not sure of the Home Medicines Review process?

A Home Medicines Review (HMR), conducted by an accredited pharmacist in collaboration with the patient, can help patients better understand, organise and safely manage their medicines in the home.

New Australian Pulmonary Rehabilitation Guidelines

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an evidence based, multidisciplinary intervention that is strongly recommended for patients with COPD irrespective of the severity or stage of their disease.